Watch Target of Opportunity on Peacock

After a night out with friends and an encounter with a Navy Seal, a six-year investigation into a murder goes terribly wrong

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In 1995, Dustin Turner and his best friend Bill Joe Brown were in the final weeks of 15 months of training to become U.S. Navy SEALS. On the night of June 18, they went to a  nightclub to celebrate and met a young woman named Jennifer Evans. They were the last two people to see her alive. Through eye witness reports, evidence and testimony, the truth begins to emerge, or does it? First time filmmaker and former US Navy Chief JD Leete turns his attention to this front page news and comes up with startling discrepancies, judicial oversights and shocking consequences which have changed these two young men’s lives together.

Watch Target of Opportunity on Amazon Prime Video

A True Crime documentary. Is the wrong man in Jail? Dustin Turner and Billy Joe Brown were in the final weeks of training to become U.S. Navy SEALs. On June 18, they went to a nightclub to celebrate and met the beautiful Jennifer

Watch Target of Opportunity on TUBI

This documentary looks at the murder of Jennifer Evans in 1995 and the last two people to see her alive, Dustin Turner and Billy Joe Brown.